COP28 Opens in Dubai with Calls for Accelerated Action, Higher Ambition Against the Escalating Climate Crisis

29 November 2023 UN Climate Change News, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 29 November 2023 â€“ The United Nations Climate Change Conference COP28 will open tomorrow with a resounding call to accelerate collective climate action. The conference takes place in what is already known to be the hottest year ever recorded in human history and as the impacts of the climate crisis wreak unprecedented havoc on human … Continue reading COP28 Opens in Dubai with Calls for Accelerated Action, Higher Ambition Against the Escalating Climate Crisis


Nations must go further than current Paris pledges or face global warming of 2.5-2.9°C  

20 NOV 2023 PRESS RELEASE CLIMATE ACTION Nairobi, 20 November 2023 – As global temperatures and greenhouse gas emissions break records, the latest Emissions Gap Report from the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) finds that current pledges under the Paris Agreement put the world on track for a 2.5-2.9°C temperature rise above pre-industrial levels this century, pointing to the urgent need for increased climate action.   Released ahead of … Continue reading Nations must go further than current Paris pledges or face global warming of 2.5-2.9°C  


Dar signs the UAE Climate Responsible Companies Pledge, as UAE accelerates climate action ahead of COP 28

06.10.23 Sustainability On September 28th and during the course of the United Arab Emirates’ 12th National Dialogue for Climate Ambition (NDCA), Dar joined 11 other companies in signing the UAE Climate Responsible Companies Pledge. The pledge is an initiative launched by the UAE’s Ministry of Climate Change and Environment with the objective of enhancing and increasing private sector engagement in the country’s drive towards decarbonization, under the … Continue reading Dar signs the UAE Climate Responsible Companies Pledge, as UAE accelerates climate action ahead of COP 28

Climate Chance


Climate Chance Conference Africa #CCCA2023 23-24 October 2023 – Yaounde, Cameroon In Africa, faced with the challenges posed by global warming, increasing urbanization,the housing crisis and access to energy, both urban and rural housing must reinventthemselves and find waysto be resilient. This situation calls for integrated strategies to promote sustainable, inclusive andaccessible housing for all. All players – national authorities, local governments, entrepreneurs, formal and … Continue reading SUSTAINABLE HABITATS AND CLIMATE IN AFRICA