
Europe: New Amnesty briefing analyzes landmark climate judgments of the European Court of Human Rights  

August 21, 2024 – Amnesty International has today published a briefing that analyzes three landmark climate judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), issued on 9 April 2024, on cases brought by older Swiss women, six young Portuguese people, and a former French mayor and member of the European Parliament.  Climate inaction, ruled out!, provides an overview of the new climate jurisprudence developed by the ECtHR. … Continue reading Europe: New Amnesty briefing analyzes landmark climate judgments of the European Court of Human Rights  


Searing temperatures sweep like fire across Asia Pacific, causing distress for millions

14/05/2024 | Press release Kuala Lumpur / Yangon / Dhaka / Geneva As scorching heatwaves sweep across the Asia Pacific region and countries hit record-breaking temperatures, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) warns that millions of people including children, the elderly, outdoor labourers and individuals with low immunity and pre-existing conditions are at very high risk.     National Societies in Bangladesh, … Continue reading Searing temperatures sweep like fire across Asia Pacific, causing distress for millions


Oxfam reaction to the Global Report on Food Crises 2024

Published: 24th April 2024 Today’s “Global Report on Food Crises” (GRFC), led by the Food Security Information Network (FSIN), says that 281.6 million people across 59 countries are now experiencing acute hunger – 24 million additional people over last year.  Reacting to the report, Oxfam Global Food and Economic Security Lead, Emily Farr, said:   “The global hunger crisis is fundamentally a moral crisis. It is … Continue reading Oxfam reaction to the Global Report on Food Crises 2024


OXFAM REACTION TO BLACK SEA GRAIN DEAL: TIME TO RETHINK HOW TO FEED THE WORLD 17 Jul 2023  In response to Russia pulling out of the Black Sea Grain Initiative, Hanna Saarinen, Oxfam food expert, said: “While this grain deal has played a part in calming skyrocketing food prices, it is not the cure-all for world hunger. Hundreds of millions of people were hungry before Russia … Continue reading OXFAM REACTION TO BLACK SEA GRAIN DEAL: TIME TO RETHINK HOW TO FEED THE WORLD