Green Climate Fund

Green Climate Fund and Somalia: Accelerated USD 100 million investment partnership

Press release – 12 Mar 2024 Mogadishu, Somalia – The Green Climate Fund’s (GCF) Executive Director, Mafalda Duarte headed the first-ever GCF delegation to Somalia, announcing an accelerated programme of climate action investment – anticipated at USD 100 million over the next year. Duarte released her 50by30 vision at the UN Climate Action Summit in September 2023, announcing intentions to build a fund capable of impactfully … Continue reading Green Climate Fund and Somalia: Accelerated USD 100 million investment partnership


A world united in environmental action

26 FEB 2024 SPEECH CLIMATE ACTION SPEECH DELIVERED BY: Inger AndersenFOR: UNEA-6 opening press statementLOCATION: Nairobi, Kenya My thanks to the members of the media for covering the sixth UN Environment Assembly, known as UNEA-6. The world has gathered here in Nairobi, the environmental capital of the world, to slow the triple planetary crisis: the crisis of climate change, the crisis of nature and biodiversity loss, and the crisis of pollution and waste. We’ve … Continue reading A world united in environmental action


Buenassa Secures Initial Funding for Greenfield Copper and Cobalt Refinery Project in the Democratic Republic of theCongo

Kinshasa, February 26th, 2024 Buenassa, a pioneering company in the metal processing and trading sector, is proud to announce the award of a subvention of 3.5 million US dollars as initial tranche for the funding of its Project Preparation Facility from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) Government through the Fonds de Promotion de l’Industrie (FPI). This funding sets the stage for an innovative … Continue reading Buenassa Secures Initial Funding for Greenfield Copper and Cobalt Refinery Project in the Democratic Republic of theCongo

Washington D.C. to Showcase African Energy

Washington D.C. to Showcase African Energy Opportunities to U.S Investors at the 9th Powering Africa Summit (PAS24) this March.

The Honorable Judith Pryor, First Vice President & Vice Chair, Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) will join the U.S. Government-led partnership, summit sponsor and PAS24 co-host, Power Africa, as well as ministers, government organizations, regulators and DFIs between 5-6 March at The Mayflower Hotel in Washington D.C. Government stakeholders, institutional investors, private financiers, service, and technology providers from across the U.S. will meet … Continue reading Washington D.C. to Showcase African Energy Opportunities to U.S Investors at the 9th Powering Africa Summit (PAS24) this March.

Landmark UN report: The world’s migratory species of animals are in decline, and the global extinction risk is increasing

Landmark UN report: The world’s migratory species of animals are in decline, and the global extinction risk is increasing

Samarkand, 12 February 2024 – The first-ever State of the World’s Migratory Species report was launched today by the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), a UN biodiversity treaty, at the opening of a major UN wildlife conservation conference (CMS COP14). The landmark report reveals: Until now, no such comprehensive assessment on migratory species has been carried out. The report provides a global … Continue reading Landmark UN report: The world’s migratory species of animals are in decline, and the global extinction risk is increasing